Representatives from Yuexiu Group Visited Our College for Investigation

Release Time:2020-04-23Number of visits:152

Representatives from Yuexiu Groupvisited our college to carry out research on pig-breeding industry on the morning of April 22. Among the representatives figured Wei Liming, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Yuexiu Group, Vice Chairmanof FlagshipGroup, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Managerof FlagshipGroup, Liu yan, the Chief Human Resources Officer of Yuexiu Group, General Manager of Management Department and Human Resources Department, Liao Zhijian, Deputy General Manager of Flagship Group, etc.,

The two sides held talks on the construction of pig-breeding sites, talent training and the next step of cooperation arrangements. Wei Liming, General Manager of Flagship Group, introduced the Group's history and planning in detail, and put forward that the Group will further deepen mutual cooperation in the pig-breeding industry chain. Having introduced the development of relevant disciplines and teams to the enterprise, Secretary Cai Huimin and Dean Jiang Qingyan of our college said that they will actively participate in relevant technical guidance.

Representatives of College of Animal Science attended the investigation meeting, including three Deputy Dean of College of Animal Science Nie Qinghua, Wu Yinbao, Sun Jingchen, Assistant of the Dean Anna, Director Xie Xia, Professor Li Jiaqi and Professor Zhang Zhe.

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