Dr. Hans Dieter Daetwyler Visited Our College for Academic Exchanges

Release Time:2019-12-04Number of visits:195

Dr. Hans Dieter Daetwyler, Chief Scientist of Bioinformatics of Australian Agricultural Biological Science Center and the senior researcher of Applied Systems Biology College of La Trobe University, visited the 18thAnimal Science Lecture in 2019 for academic exchanges with teachers and students of our college at 10 a.m., December 4, 2019. Deputy Dean Nie Qinghua and Professor Zhang Zhe of the College of Animal Science attended and presided over the lecture.

r. Hans Dieter Daetwyler

eputyDean Nie Qinghua presiding the meeting

rofessor Zhang Zhepresiding the lecture

First of all, Deputy Dean Nie Qinghua extended a warm welcome to Dr. Hans Dieter Daetwyler's visit and academic exchanges. Then, Dr. Hans Dieter Daetwyler gave an academic report entitled How do we best harness genome sequencing to enable and improve genomic prediction in animals and plants? The report mainly elaborated on the following aspects: approaches to improve the accuracy of genome selection; the development and application of multiple genotyping tools for genome analysis; the utilization of advanced experience in whole genome, exon sequencing and biology to improve the precision of genomic prediction. Meanwhile, the application of genome sequencing to the genomic prediction in animals and plants and achievements in improving the precision of genome prediction were briefly introduced.

roup photo

Finally, Professor Zhang Zhe summarized the wonderful report of Dr. Hans Dieter Daetwyler and expressed gratitude for his visit again. Teachers and students benefited a lot from learning how to best harness genome sequencing to improve and make the genomic prediction of animals and plants possible. Let's look forward to the next exciting Lecture of Animal Science!

Editor: Zhao Zhibin, Liu Jiaxin

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