Professor Yungfu Chang Visited our College for Academic Exchanges

Release Time:2018-11-27Number of visits:77

At 9:00 a.m. on October 17, 2018, Professor Yungfu Chang, Professor of the College of Veterinary Medicine of Cornell University and Director of the Infectious Diseases Research Office of the Animal Health Diagnostic Center, delivered a report in the 8th session of Animal Science Lecture of College of Animal Science and conducted academic exchanges with the teachers and students of our college. Associate Dean Xie Qingmei from the College of Animal Science attended and presided over the lecture.
Professor Yungfu Chang
Associate Dean Xie Qingmei presided over the lecture
First of all, Associate Dean Xie Qingmei expressed warm welcome to Professor Yungfu Chang's visit and academic exchange. Subsequently, Professor Yungfu Chang gave an academic report entitled "Interaction of Leptospira adhesin (LigB) and host extracellular matrices", mainly for the interaction of LigB12 and ECM molecules, LigB-based monoclonal antibodies and structural information design recombinant vaccine. The pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of Leptospira were briefly introduced.
A group photo
Finally, Associate Dean Xie Qingmei summed up the report. From the lecture, we learned that the team of Professor Yungfu Chang first discovered the Leptospira antigen gene and learned about immunology, which benefited the teachers and students. Let us look forward to the next exciting lecture!

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