A New Generation of Knowledgeable Farmers Will Become the Main Force - Ms. Li Xiaobing, CEO Of Guangd

Release Time:2018-11-07Number of visits:31

On September 9th, 2018, Ms. Li Xiaobing, the co-founder and CEO of Guangdong Yihao Foodstuff,Co., Ltd. visited our college and hosted a lecture on the theme of “Crisis and Opportunity of China's Agriculture ” for 244 freshmen. The lecture was presided over by Zhang Haiping, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of College of Animal Science. (Ms. Li Xiaobing introduced herself) Combining her personal experience and business management ideas, Ms. Li analyzed the development trends of agriculture at home and abroad, and pointed out the development challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural field in the future. Ms. Li highlighted that “traditional farmers will gradually withdraw under the impact of cheap foreign agricultural products and domestic large enterprises. The new generation of knowledgeable farmers who are represented by you will occupy the stage of agriculture.” She also proposed, "Revitalization of agriculture requires the innovation of technology and talents. Agriculture in the future will be the world of a new generation of knowledgeable farmers. You will become the master of this stage, and agriculture will become an enviable career." (Freshmen listen carefully to the lecture) (A freshman raise a question) After the lecture, Ms. Li patiently answered the questions raised by the freshmen. (The lecture was presided over by Zhang Haiping, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of College of Animal Science)

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E-MAIL:dongkeoffice@scau.edu.cn TEL: 020-85281547

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